To quality for DSP&S services, you need to have a verified disability. Verifying documentation should be recent. It can be an Individual Education Program (IEP); Section 504 Plan; assessment reports from your Regional Center or Department of Rehabilitation; a letter on letterhead from a physician or medical specialist, psychiatrist, psychologist, speech-language pathologist; audiologist or an audiogram; or a statement of discharge status from the military, verifying disability.

Reasonable accommodations provide access to the curriculum and the instructional and educational process. They do not alter the course or degree requirements or the instructional methods. An example of a reasonable accommodation would be for a student who is deaf and needs interpreting services to access the curriculum and the instructional process within a classroom.

Accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis by the DSP&S Teacher-Specialist or Counselor regarding the your needs as described in your disability documentation.

If you have a disability, you need to be able to identify your needs and use self-advocacy.

Depending on the disability and the educational limitations, you can receive classroom accommodations of counseling; registration assistance; preferential seating; a reduced load of classes; assistive technology in the classroom; books and other printed materials in alternate formats; interpreting and captioning services; a family-provided and PCC-approved “Personal Service Attendant” or PSA; and increased time on tests in a quiet location.

The verification process is completed through an interview with you, as a new student, applying for services. Students are encouraged to complete the DSP&S application located under "Incoming Students" on our DSP&S webpage where once completed and verification is uploaded into our AIM system an “intake” appointment will be schcheduled. At that appointment, your Teacher-Specialist or Counselor will help to determine your educational limitations and to provide reasonable accommodations with the Faculty Notification Letter (FNL)

The DSP&S office prefers that students upload their verification through the student AIM portal. However, personal drop off, mail, or email is availale.

Regarding DSP&S file records, please note that student files will be retained for a period of 7 years from your last interaction with our office. If you require a copy of your documentation, our department will need you to submit a completed Release of Information (ROI)) form either by email or in person. Once we receive your completed form, please allow up to 5 business days for us to process your request.

No. Participation in DSP&S is voluntary and you must request DSPS services.
There is no additional cost to you for DSP&S services.

If you received special education in high school you probably had an IEP. Please compete the DSP&S application and upload your IEP from high school to help the counselor determine what accommodations would best serve you.

Please let our DSP&S know immediately! Call to (626) 585-7127 or email to